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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A Shout Out To My Peeps!
Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm putting together I list of books and movies that I want to see. Will you all share with me your all time favorite books and movies? People are always telling me good things to read and see, but I always forget. I LOVE a good book!!!! So please share!!! Feel free to list as many as you'd like! Thanks!!!!!
Blast from the Past

So I found this picture and it totally made me laugh! Being a kid was the greatest thing. Life was so easy and so carefree. I was completely happy with a cheese tortilla and my silky pink pajamas. An added bonus was having so many siblings. There was always someone to hang out with. Shawn was a great little brother. He had no problem dressing up and playing house. I'd beat him over and over again in basketball and he'd throw the ball at me and tell me that I was a cheater, but then he'd always come back for more. Children are amazing that way. They don't hold on to things. They bounce back and keep trying again and again. When we got older and Shawn grew taller and became a better basketball player, I knew my days as the champion were over and we never played anymore. I wish I could say I could still whip him at ball, but I know that I don't even stand a chance. Maybe I should trying playing against my sisters....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I was having a grand ole time reading my sister Natalee's blog. She had been tagged and I was thinking to myself, "I'm so glad I haven't been tagged"....but then, there it was....MY NAME! Natalee had tagged me!!! So, here ya go:
My 3 Joys: 1.)Belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints and knowing that I have a Father in Heaven that LOVES me and that I can one day live with Him again. 2.) My family: our family keeps getting bigger and bigger and it makes me so happy! Each member of my family is amazing in their own way. I don't know where I'd be without them. 3.) This amazingly beautiful earth!!! I love spending time outdoors, especially with good friends and family! Nothing is better than a great hike, with awesome views, and people I love!
3. Things I look forward to in the future: 1.) Graduating from college....less than a year to go. I can't wait!!. 2.) One day marrying the man of my dreams in the Temple....I just need to find him.... 3.) Being a Mom. There is nothing I'd rather do more than that.
3: Things I like to obsess over: Photos!!! I love to take photos, scrapbook photos, and reminisce over old photos. Right now I am also obsessed with getting in shape and losing weight. I obsess over watching "Biggest Loser" and "Grey's Anatomy." I obsess about being on time. I'm obsessed with eating at Paradise Cafe.
3: Surprising Facts about me: hmmmmm...... 1.) I won $1000 on the radio. 2.) I don't have a car and haven't had one for 3 months. I take the bus to work and school every day and I have great friends that make sure I always have a ride.
3.) I'm considering joining the Air Force when I graduate from college and becoming an officer.
A- Attached or Single? Single....but hoping for attachment.
B- Best Friend? I have a few. My roommate, Kristin. I pretty much tell her everything. Anjanelle, she's someone I admire most in my life. Shells and Pelosi: two of my most favorite people ever!!!! I think most of my friends are my best their own unique ways!
C- Cake or Pie? CHEESECAKE all the way!!!! Especially when Telle makes it!!!!
D- Day of choice? Sunday. There is nothing better than getting some spiritual upliftment, some rest, and a yummy dinner with my family.
E- Essential Item? I have no idea. When I'm working out I have to have my iPod and my Sigg Waterbottle. When I'm outdoors I have to have my camera. My Book of Mormon is essential in my everyday life.
F- Favorite color? Blue. Pretty much any shade of blue. I love the color of the sky and the color of the ocean and lakes. I find it a calming color. I also love green, like forest green and olive green.
Gummy bears or worms?- Both!
H- Hometown? Highland, Utah
I- Favorite Indulgence?- I love pizza! I could probably eat pizza everyday and be happy. I especially love New York pizza (any hole-in-the-wall pizza place in New York is great), Olive Garden's pizza with olives, Italian sausage, and artichokes, and I love pizza from Cafe Trio and the Pie!
J- January or July? July! I love the sunshine!
K- Kids?- Aren't baby goats called kids? I definitely have none of those!
L- Life isn't complete without? People who love you!
M- Marriage Place? That little chapel in Vegas.......
N- Number of brothers and sisters? 5 brothers (Tommy, Paul, Chris, Shawn, Robbie), 2 sisters (Jen and Ash), 1 brother-in-law (Kiley----yes, thats a boy's name :), and 3 sisters-in-law (Natalee, Becki, and Jessica).
O- Oranges or Apples- Apples 90% of the time.
P- Phobia and fears? I think the older I get the more I'm afraid of heights. I'm also getting more claustrophobic (in Alaska I'd get freaked out being zipped up in my sleeping bag and I'd have to rip it open because I thought I would suffocate or something). I'm afraid of rejection and also afraid of never reaching my true potential. I'm afraid of snakes. I'm afraid of walking alone in the dark.
Q- Quote? "Our deepest fear is not the we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, which most frightens us." "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish everything you start." "You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there." "Live life outside yourself in love."
R- Reasons to smile? Anytime I'm around my nieces and nephews! They brighten my life. Knowing that I will be graduating soon! Standing on top of a mountain that I've just climbed.
S- Season of choice- Summer! The sunshine brings everyone to life! There's nothing better than a summer day followed by a warm summer night! I also love Autumn because its so incredibly beautiful!!!
T- Tag? I tag Becki, Telle, Anjanelle, and Cindy!
V- Vegetable? Spaghetti Squash, corn-on-the-cob, yellow and orange peppers, artichokes.
W- Worst Habit?- Cutting in when someone is in the middle of saying something, not making my bed (i'm getting better at that), cleaning my ears with Q-tips.
X- Ray or Ultrasound? I've only had an X-ray before.
Y- Your favorite foods?- Pizza (as explained above), chicken artichoke panini from Paradise Cafe, pork salad from Cafe Rio, sun dried tomatoes, mashed potatoes, musubi from 7-11 in Hawaii, homemade soup, loco moco from Seasider Grill at BYU-H, my mom's homemade rolls, California rolls, hummus and pita bread, baked cheesecake, etc etc etc
Z- Zodiac sign?- Aries
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I Saw Perfection Today
I saw perfection today.
I witnessed his very first breath.
Tears crept into my eyes
As I thanked God for this amazing miracle.
He came to a fallen world
That gets more evil with each passing day
But he was just in the presence of God
He gives me hope for the triumph of good.
There may be hatred and sin all around
The clouds might get darker and our numbers are small
But God is sending His most noble and brave
They will pave the way for the coming of the Son.
This perfect little baby boy
That I held when only a couple hours old
Brought with him the love and spirit of God
And I will press forward in faith and hope.
I saw perfection today.
He is noble and brave and strong.
Only a small babe
But greater than us all.
I witnessed his very first breath.
Tears crept into my eyes
As I thanked God for this amazing miracle.
He came to a fallen world
That gets more evil with each passing day
But he was just in the presence of God
He gives me hope for the triumph of good.
There may be hatred and sin all around
The clouds might get darker and our numbers are small
But God is sending His most noble and brave
They will pave the way for the coming of the Son.
This perfect little baby boy
That I held when only a couple hours old
Brought with him the love and spirit of God
And I will press forward in faith and hope.
I saw perfection today.
He is noble and brave and strong.
Only a small babe
But greater than us all.
*my nephew Tyler was born today and I was there to witness his birth. It was an amazing and spiritual experience. He is perfect and beautiful!
Friday, October 3, 2008
On Top of the World
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know. Rene Daumal
A few weeks ago I hiked Timpanogos with some friends and family. It was so great! I love hiking! The leaves had already begun to change colors, so it was extra beautiful up there! We made it to the top of the mountain and the views were amazing! Its such an awesome feeling to stand on top of a mountain and look at the world below. Its such a great accomplishment to make it to the top and so incredibly enjoyable along the way. The quote above is one of my favorites. You have to make it to the top on your own to really know what it feels like to be up there. You can't give that to anyone else. Everyone has to go to the top on their own to discover for themselves what its like.
A few weeks ago I hiked Timpanogos with some friends and family. It was so great! I love hiking! The leaves had already begun to change colors, so it was extra beautiful up there! We made it to the top of the mountain and the views were amazing! Its such an awesome feeling to stand on top of a mountain and look at the world below. Its such a great accomplishment to make it to the top and so incredibly enjoyable along the way. The quote above is one of my favorites. You have to make it to the top on your own to really know what it feels like to be up there. You can't give that to anyone else. Everyone has to go to the top on their own to discover for themselves what its like.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

So two weeks ago I began the Body For Life Challenge. It has been going pretty well. The other day I was reading on the Body For Life web-site about ways to be successful in this challenge. It said that one thing to do is tell everyone around you that you are doing the challenge, that way you have a good support group. I am someone who likes to do things on my own and I haven't really told anyone about this challenge, but I want to be successful, so here it goes. I want to lose 30 pounds!!! That is my goal. I have twelve weeks to complete the program, and I need all of you to be my support group! I want to get healthy and fit, that is my main objective, but for those of you that really know me, you know that I am competitive, and I really want to WIN this challenge!!! Thousands of people enter and there are 8 winners total. I want to be one of them! I also look forward to dropping some pounds and getting fit. When I was in Alaska on my backpacking trip, one of the last days out in the wilderness we had to climb straight up this mountain, about 1000 feet high, carrying our 50 pound packs. When I looked up at it, I thought I was going to cry. I felt the tears coming. I wasn't sure if my body could make it up there. But I pushed forward and when I made it to the top I felt like a whole new person. I had just conquered a mountain and I felt like I was on top of the world (which I was). Now this is my next mountain to conquer. You are my support. I need you all to chip in and be part of the voice in my head telling me to keep pushing forward. Please send me some encouraging words, favorite quotes, poems, songs to workout to, anything that will encourage me to reach my goal. I have until November 24th to reach it. I will conquer!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Dream Come True
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I had the amazing opportunity to spend some quality time with Zac Efron during the shooting of High School Musical 3!!! It really was a dream come true. As we danced and sang together in front of the camera I felt like a movie star. I will never forget our day together at East High School. Go Wildcats!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008

Today I sat through an interesting class discussion in my Sport and Society class. We were asked the question: "Are athletes heroes, role-models, or none of the above?" It really made me think about how society views athletes, especially how us in the United States, view our professional athletes. Are they heroes? The definition of hero is:

A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life (from the dictionary)

Using this definition, are athletes heroes? Should we be allowing or encouraging our children to look up to athletes and glorify them? I thought about this a lot. There are some pretty amazing athletes out there. I was addicted to the Olympic Games in Beijing this summer and there were some awesome stories out there of athletes overcoming obstacles to make it to those games. I think that there are some athletes who make outstanding role-models. They seem to be fewer and fewer these days, but there are some. I just don't know if any of them are heroes. Maybe in their individual lives they do heroic things, but is playing a sport and winning a game a measure of heroism? What do you think?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My Epic Expedition
Here a few other things I learned along the trail:
When hiking in the Wrangels, make sure you have trekking poles, because you WILL be bushwacking! (or you could hug trees)
Don't eat dried apricots along the trail: your stomach won't appreciate, and your hiking groups won't appreciate it if they have to walk behind you.
You can cook delicious food in the wilderness, including: tortillas, scrambled brownies, pizza, and cornbread.
You can hike in the same two pair of socks for 21 days straight.
There are great quotes made in the wilderness. For example:
"Sticks and Stones may brake my bones,
But Alaska just might kill me." (-said by Carl)
"I have a wooden spoon!" -said by Katie
"I have a wooden spoon!" -said by Katie
If you wear dry long johns under you soaking wet wind pants, and rain pants over those, your wind pants will dry in about 20 minutes. (I did this more than once. And it worked!)
You can wake up in the morning to 3 inches of snow, and have warm sunshine in the evening and dry out all of your wet clothes.
There are more than just bears in Alaska: moose, caribou, pika (?), golden eagles, tarmigans, doll sheep, etc.
You can create over 100 songs about your puffy coat (just ask Sheila).
ThermaRest sleeping pads make great blackboards when teaching classes in the wilderness.
ThermaRest sleeping pads make great blackboards when teaching classes in the wilderness.
NOLS gold really does exist!!!!
Wiping with snow is probably the best naturaly toilet paper in the wilderness (wet moss comes in a close second!)
I could go on and on and on, but I'll stop there. Here are some pics from our adventure.

Our coolest campsite, next to the glaciers!

Sensei Sheila, Sensei Rob, and Sensei Lloyd

Greatest Place on Earth
So a week before my NOLS course started, I flew out early with my sister, Ashley, and our friend, Natalie. We spent a week going all over Alaska and it was amazing! It was kind of a cold week, but the sights were still so beautiful! We biked along the coastal trail, went on a glacier and whale watching cruise, kayaked in Prince William Sound, and explored Anchorage. It was such a fun trip!

Lunch Break during our kayaking trip

Ash and Nat kayaking

This picture was taken at 11:30pm! It stayed light all night long!

We ran the 5K at the Ocean's Festival in Anchorage.

This was taken during our cruise. There is actually a bald eagle sitting on one of the rocks. We saw quite a few bald eagles during the cruise!

This is a humpback whale that jumped completely out of the water. It was so cool!!

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