Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm Going To Alaska!!!

I am the recipient of the NOLS scholarship from the University Of Utah. NOLS stands for the National Outdoor Leadership School. I will be taking a backpacking Outdoor Educator course for one month in Alaska! I'm so excited to go. It goes from June 9 to July 2. My sister, Ashley, and I are going fly out a week early and explore Anchorage and the amazing Alaskan wilderness. I'm so excited to go. These pictures were taken on previos NOLS Alaska Courses. You can check out the course description at

I think this will be such a big learning experience and it will be so nice to escape to the mountains for awhile. I'll be coming for over 3 weeks and we will be out in the wilderness without electricity, showers, bathrooms, etc. So it will definitly be a new experience for me!


Emilee said...

Angie - I am SO jealous of this. I love Alaska and my only warning to you is that once you go up there you will never want to leave or you will at least want to go visit every summer. My uncle and brother live in Anchorage if you need anything when you're up there. Have so much fun!

Pam said...

Remember when we were in the old singles ward, and we planned a wilderness trip, and it included making our clothes out of leaves? This wilderness training will be useful for that! Ha ha! I'm so jealous!

Karolee said...

This is so exciting! How cool is that? I hope you journal your adventure so you can blog about it all later and catch us all up! Good luck!

don and jacki said...

Ang, we are also jealous that you get to go to Alaska and we are stuck here at home, building a barn! Make sure and take lots of pictures and if you get a chance, don't pass up a flyout trip. We went to Soldotna last summer and now we want to go back. We would even like a summer job up there. Have fun and don't forget to let us know how much fun you have!