Its been a long, tough road
these past few years,
There are have been many broken hearts
and a whole lot of tears.
I've asked questions like,
"Why does he have to be like this?"
Or "Will he ever know what its like
to take care of a wife and kids?"
Sometimes I feel hopeless
and helpless and selfish.
I think that things will never change
and I'll just have to get used to this.
But when I get on my knees and pray,
I see his face and know there is hope.
He is a child of God, he is my brother,
I see things from a more heavenly scope.
Christ commanded us to
"Love one another, as I have loved you."
I might not cure Tommy's pain,
but there is something I can do.
I can love him unconditionally,
because I know that's what Christ would choose.
He would take Tommy in His arms
and there would be no judgment in His eyes.
He'd give him comfort and peace
and He'd cry while Tommy cries.
Then He'd say, "My brother.
Please come back to My fold.
Drink freely of my living water,
its worth more than silver and gold.
I came to this earth to prepare a way
for you to come back Home.
I'm gathering my lost sheep
and you no longer need to roam.
I suffered greatly in Gethsemane
and gave my life upon the cross.
I did it because it was the only way
to save the souls of those who have been lost.
I have felt your pain and it hurt so much
Please do not let it destroy you
Give Me your pains and burdens
I will take away your suffering too.
Come back to My fold, dear brother,
I am standing outside your door.
I will not go away, I will always stay,
and when you're ready I'll give You wings to soar."
My hope is in Jesus. I know He is there.
There is no need to worry or fear.
When Tommy is ready, whether in this life or next,
Christ will be ready and near.
I will love him and pray for him
it the best I can do.
And the Savior will take care of the rest.
He'll bless Tommy and me and you.
This poem is beautiful Angie! I love it. Yeah, Manti is a funny place. That's where I lived when I went to live with my sister Shelly. Let me tell ya, the cow parades are worse!
Wow, that is an amazing poem! What a wonderful sister you are!!
Ang- This is beautiful! Happy Birthday, Tommy~
Angie, you should read this to everyone at Sunday dinner. It's so heart-felt and it is just what our family needs. It's inspired and I wouldn't expect anything less from such an amazing sister like you. I love you lots Angie!
- Nat
I love the poem. You have such deep insights and such a wonderful testimony of life. Lov Mom
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